Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Christianity in Texas Politics

The Austin Chronicle article titled "TFN Looks at the Lege Demagogues" is highly interesting and worth reading because it provides information on various Texas officials regarding their Christian standpoints. The article written by Lee Nichols is an attempt to inform Texans of the influence religion is playing in our government, as well as recognize Texas Freedom Network as a nonprofit organization committed to "counter[ing] the religious right." This article is particularly important to me because I am a Christian and I am intrigued by how much room we do or do not leave for Christ in our politics. I will admit I was rather frustrated with this article after quickly reading it over. However, I was more grateful after reading it a second and third time. Being someone who does not give politics the attention that it deserves, I was unaware that so many of our states representatives held such strong Christian grounds and acted upon their views so directly. I feel that Nichols' article is a great source for everyone, both Christians and those who devote their faith elsewhere. Religious issues seem to be a growing concern among the majority of people within our nation. Though some phrases used throughout the article are too derogatory for my taste, it does provide valuable insight on how Christianity is effecting Texas politics.